Question: How do you feel about serving a mission?
Bryce’s answer: Excited
Question: Where did you expect to be called?
Bryce’s answer: Mexico
Question: Where did you not want to be called?
Bryce’s answer: Asia or anywhere that doesn’t speak English or Spanish
Question: What did you think when read Argentina Bahia Blanca?
Bryce’s answer: Cooooool, I was stoked
Question: What are you most excited about?
Bryce’s answer: Coming back, just playing – I am looking forward to serving the Lord in all that I do as well as helping all the Argentinean people and getting them water from the well.
Question: What are you most afraid of?
Bryce’s answer: I’m afraid of clowns, bears and dolls
Question: What are you most afraid of in your mission?
Bryce’s answer: This is truly a deep question, getting bitten by dogs cause I don’t like dogs, actually I do like dogs I just don’t like them when they bite me. Are there Chihuahuas in Argentina?
Eating inside of animals that I don’t want to eat, like Corazon (heart) and stuff like that.
Question: How do you feel about wearing a tie almost 24/7?
Bryce’s answer: If it’s a singing tie, I’m cool with it. Or one it lights up otherwise I don’t care about it.
Question: How about riding a bike all day long?
Bryce’s answer: Depends how they drive, if it is like they drive in Phoenix or Mexico, heck no. otherwise, I’m cool with it.
Question: What do you think will be most difficult from you there?
Bryce’s answer: When the Suns win the national championship and not listening to music and not going swimming, and getting used to the cold weather, and talking like an argentine.
Question: What would be easiest?
Bryce’s answer: Not listening to music cause the music down there sucks. And gaining weight, actually depends on the food
Feeling the spirit and serving the people of Argentina to the upmost of my capacity
Question: How good are you at playing soccer?
Bryce’s answer: Move over Diego Maradona, nuff said.
Question: Would you like to have American companions or Latinos?
Bryce’s answer: Does not matter, I would serve with the upmost of my capacity with whomever I serve with.
Question: Do you think you will get mugged?
Bryce’s answer: They have to be brave to mug me.
Question: What will you do when you have a cranky or homesick companion?
Bryce’s answer: The cranky companion, I’m very laid back so it won’t bother me, the homesick I’ll just work so he’ll forget about it.
Question: What about having to read and study so much?
Bryce’s answer: No problem.
Question: Would you like your brother to go visit you and maybe serve with you a couple of days when his mission is over?
Bryce’s answer: Heck yeah. It would be cool. And then we can see who’s the better missionary.
Question: Will you miss mom’s wonderful home cooking?
Bryce’s answer: Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answers to
Question: What will you miss from home?
Bryce’s answer: My pictures
Question: Who will you miss the most?
Bryce’s answer: Liz
Question: What would you like us to send while you are on your mission?
Bryce’s answer: Kool-Aid and money
Question: How many baptisms you think you will have?
Bryce’s answer: Numbers don’t matter to me. So if I can take one person to the Lord that would be enough cause that one person will convert another and they will multiply to convert thousands maybe even millions by the end of my life
Question: How many times do you think you are going to have to eat what your brother calls mystery meat?
Bryce’s answer: More times than I would like to think about.
Question: How many times do you think you will read the book of Mormon in your mission?
Bryce’s answer: You can’t read the book of Mormon enough times, probably like 15 or 20 times.
Question: How many times do you think girls will ask you to marry them?
Bryce’s answer: Millions, but after seeing my mom and sisters no way I will marry an argentine girl.
Question: How does it feel not seeing your missionary brother for 3 years?
Bryce’s answer: Fantastic, I’ve seen him every day of my life, 3 yrs is going to be beautiful. Just kidding, I hope to see him when he finishes his mission if he can be my companion for a few days.
Question: What’s your favorite hymn?
Bryce’s answer: Popcorn popping & praise to the man (you can thank EFY for that one)
Question: How many ties do you have now & which one is your favorite?
Bryce’s answer: what kind of question is that, who cares? Pam: I care. Bryce: I don’t, but I have a lot.
Question: Will you obey ALL the rules?
Bryce’s answer: What do you think?
Question: Will you sing hymns while riding the bus or your bike?
Bryce’s answer: No.
Thanksgiving photos
13 years ago
This was a good idea and funny of course because some of these answers are so Bryce, the way he is.
Big Sis Melia
yes i love how he anserws his questions, any compainion with him will have a good time.
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