Thursday, August 26, 2010

Just cause things don't go the way we want them...

This week we had transfers and the results are that me and van wagenen are still comps... I'm way happy about the transfers cause it's been about since santarosa since i have had the same comp for more than 2 translados... so I'm way happy about it and we will do a lot of good stuff. So we stay in villa serra, but now we live with 2 other elders... which i always like cause with 4 elders there is always someone to talk to......but yeah, that was transfers......

the end of last week was weird because on Thursday we did divis, i was with an elder called vance.. then on Friday we went to pigue... a pueblo north of bahia. and there we did some baptism interviews.. it was cool, and to be honest probably the best baptism interview i had ever given, the lady was so ready and happy to have the gospel. but then after that, like all things, stuff never goes the way we want. we were supposed to go home that night (on friday) but we missed the bus. and buses in pueblitos don't pass by every 5 minutes... and so we had to stay there again overnight. and then saturday we got back into bahia at like 11. but it was kind of hectic everything. that's one of the coolest things i have learned from the mission, how to stay calm when things go wrong. but it worked out good.

and on Sunday we had a kid called Marcelo in church, he's 16 but this Sunday we hope to get his whole family to go. his parents are from Formosa, and menos activos there, like a family of like 7 in total. but hope it will go good with them. but yeah.

Then terminal, all day from 14:30 to 6 in the morning. yeah, it was long and way funny cause, some elders almost missed their bus. and we caught it just with time but one of the workers for the colectivos was way pissed, he started yelling at us... it was way funny cause he was so mad that he threw his chair against the wall and broke a wheel... but yeah, moral of the story getting mad just don't do any good. but yeah, it was fun....

then just to make the week even more weirder, there are 2 elders who finished the mission but that couldn't go home to Mexico because of some problems there so they have to stay a couple more days, and they are here with us... it's funny. they're dead but still going at it... but yeah, so they are staying and working with us till they can go back home... (bet they never thought that would have been a problem) but yeah, all in all, it's been a crazy week. but like in most things, somethings just never go the way we want them to but it doesn't mean it doesn't go good. to be honest, one of the reasons i love the mission so much.....

I'm so exited for the exito we will have here in whatever form the Lord has for us. and so thank u all for the love and the support. i love u all and will see you all latter. peace out

love y'all

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Checking the new area - I like it (a lot)

hey everyone, how's life going over there.... here it's been cool.

this past couple of days my comp has been sick but luckily saturday we were able to work... it's good to be able to see the new area. To be honest i like it a lot, there is a lot of work to be done here and so, I hope, nothing changes for transfers. maybe my comp might go cause he was in the area a year ago. but we will see. they are this week. but these days we have been working, trying to get to know some of the investigators the hermanas left.. we have had luck and met some good families... it's kind of hard for them, cause the hermanas are way different than us (elders) but the spirit and the message is the same. so that's a good advantage we have...

But today we had the zone activity, it was good, we have been planing to try to make that good. and it turned out very well but like always they are way exhausting.. and there are always people not happy but, oh well, it happens... it turned out very good. all problems aside. so i don't complain... but yeah, I'm way tired..

But yeah, that's been pretty much the week for us. to be honest, don't really remember what we have done, or anything that really happened sooo.. yeah but it's been cool to see how the Lord has been blessing me to have the energy i need, to work... i have been way tired but it's true, there's always a little left in the tanque until i get home... so it's been cool to see how God blesses us, when we do what we need to do... so yeah

but thanks for all the support and the love you all have given me. i want u all to know that i love y'all and miss y'all. and sorry for the short letter but yeah como dice la gente es lo que hay.... pero los quierro un montone.... peace out

Friday, August 13, 2010

Transferred but with my comp

well every one, big news, i got transferred..... well kind of, they changed my area but not my comp......

or sea my area is called villa serra. my comp is still van wagenen, but they changed it. the new area is exactly like the name calls it "villa"... but so we got whitewashed in there. it's funny though cause my comp was in that area about a year ago.. so this sunday when we went a lot of people already knew us. so yeah, it's been a weird week... they actually told us last friday night, and saturday we moved... the kind of fun thing about the mission.... but it's cool, i like working in villas a lot more. so yeah.

now, my comp has also been sick most of this week so we haven't been able to work in the area as much as i would have liked but yeah, it's alright... but I'm way excited for the change... the thing i have learned from the mission is change comes whether u want it or not, but it's u who makes it a hard change or an easy one. so I'm happy about it...

i think it's always hard to leave an area, and even more so suddenly, we didn't have time to tell anybody in the ward, minus the obispo, but I'm going to miss them. but I'm like a 20 minute walk from my old area so it's not that bad... lol

but to answer some questions.. the book/books in studying right now is the book of Mormon, and preach my gospel.... I'm also reading Jesus the Christ cause, like i said, my comp is sick and I've got a lot of time in the house so... yeah, it passed the time... way good... it's funny how stuff like TV isn't really that much of an interest right now.. but I'm sure if i saw a suns game i would be way tempted.. that's why i have never seen one...

but my favorite scripture is probably... cant think of one... but i like 2 nefi 4.. and 2 nefi 25. and the bible is way cool. but I'm not reading it right now.. lol.

and my favorite comp i have had in the mission is always going to be the comp i'm with at the moment... right now it's van wagenen.. in two weeks when transfers come we will see...if it changes... hope not... (but with all that talk about change I bet it will )

but as far as the teaching, it's been great. the meetings helped out a lot. just when we teach there is a huge benefit and we can feel the difference and so can the investigators so it's way great.... and been a huge benefit...

sorry it's been a crazy letter.. but gots to go, love y'all...thanks for the support and prayers.

peace out

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Focus on the right stuff - teaching by the spirit

Well, since last week's letter was short, i will try to make this one a good one... this week has been great, the conference ended on friday, and then saturday we had to work like normal.... but about the conference...

the changes aren't really that big, it's just pretty much helping us focus on the right stuff, and letting us rely more on the spirit when we teach..... like it was really like a mini MTC, for the whole week... but the changes in teaching has helped us out a lot. me and my comp have felt the spirit a lot more when we teach... but to better explain the changes, it's not really changes in preach my gospel, but they help us use it better, and by using that book better we will teach better, it's been great.. lets us be better tools in the Lord's hands, so it's great.

but as far as rules go, the only thing is that interviews are once every 3 months, but that's why we are supposed to write to the pres every week.

but during the conference it was presidente teaching us, with the ap's, and a lot of practicas. so we could, kind of, apply what we learned also, what was cool was that i was able to see like most of my really good friends in the mission. so that was fun...

but after the conference, it's been kind of complicated cause we have been in a trio cause one of the elders in the zone doesn't have a comp, cause his newbie didn't show up... and it's really hard to be in a trio, mainly cause the people think we will attack them, and almost quite literally run away from us.. but the lessons we have taught have been great. now we focus more on the people, on the needs, and so pretty much love them in the most productive way.. but yeah...... i guess in short word the purpose of the conference is to give us more confidence teaching with the sprit. cause it's true, many time we hold ourselves back thinking we can't do it, or that God can't/ doesn't love us enough to work through us... kind of funny but true... but all, in the end, depends on faith.. and trusting that He will guide us and give us what we need..

i have seen the difference in this short time, I'm not a great teacher but with the spirit doesn't really matter.. I'm getting better at teaching, and using the spirit way more and me and my comp are going to do big things here.. so I'm excited... but now we need to find some more people to teach cause we don't have too many now..... but yeah, that's everything in a short note... but yeah, I'm grateful for the changes and for the mission, I'm learning a lot of stuff that's use to me now and when i get back... so i love it, mainly cause it's fun.... and yet hard.... almost never do those two things happen at the same time... but oh well

i love u all, thanks for the love and the support. i miss y'all and love y'all, And will See y'all latter..,

peace out

Like back at the MTC

Hey sorry that this week, it's going to be a short letter really don't have a lot of time....

so this week we have been having a bunch of mettings that are helping us teach a little better, and use Preach My Gospel better also.. so it's been good, but brain exhausting, every day 9 to 5, like the mtc. but it's been great with the new changes in the focuses, it will help use have a lot more exito here. so yeah it's going to be great.....

but yeah, sorry for the short letter talk to y'al next week..

thanks for the prayers and the love....

peace out

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