Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tough week

this week pretty much sucked on all bases, the only way it could have been worse was if i got bit by a dog, or something like that.. but yeah, i guess sometimes it's like that.

this week me and my comp, elder lopez, who is really cool, and we work really hard, obey the rules, we are better missionaries, but yeah. but this week we worked so hard and got so many doors slammed in our faces, and only found 1 person who would talk to us, but then he disappeared.

and to make thing worse... yesterday we had a bautizmo, everyone showed up except the girl, katty, who was going to get baptized, and her parents didn't go because they wanted to go a party, so all of us were left hanging but. yeah...

it's kind of funny how bad this week has been for us. but that's how it is, only motivates us more cause we don't really like failure, and so yeah this week we are going to find gold. or knock every door in this city until they answer and let us in. but it was kind of funny cause we tried everything to get inside, we tried to sing, i don't blame them for closing the door on us.....hahahaha but yeah we tried everything doing some jokes, but they must have been bad ones, cause no one laughed but yeah, it will get better, we will work harder.... and next week we will have exito, a lot of exito.....

now to answer some questions i have received, yeah we obey a lot of rules, and the food we get here is almost daily, so it's really good, we are lucky to be in an area where they give us lots of food but yeah.

we also walk a ton cause the president doesn't want us taking remis but yeah also the aps lost their cars hahahaha so they need to walk like the rest of us...haha..

about all the rules that have changed, really the rules didn't change but the standards did. like before we needed 14 new investigators now we only need 6 but the six pretty much only count if they are of gold, but it's good cause we were averaging like 3000 new investigators a month but only 75 bautizmos which is really7 bad ratio. but yeah so that's what has changed more than anything, and all the p-day stuff that i mentioned before.

the mission president is really great, i like him and i think the changes are necessary, and the p-day stuff, if he thinks that's what's best i stand by him.

but yeah so that's been my life this week. work hard, no success and all that but yeah it's all will come in the Lord's time...

alright i want to say i love u all and thanks for everything, happy birthday miguel, and anyone elses b-day that is this week, and yeah peace out

PS i haven't got the package yet

Monday, August 17, 2009

Great week and a better week coming

hey everyone hows life,

this week was awesome. my new comp. to answer some questions is from ciudad de mexico, he's been here for 9 months and here is really good.

this week we worked hard and obeyed most of the rules..hahaha just playing, we obey the rules but don't make the rules our life, but we are doing good.

ok this week was probably the funniest of my mission, first of all this saturday there was a rock concert like 10 blocks from our house "the callejeros", it was funny cause we could hear the concert from our house and yeah it was weird, but it was funny, and this week we found great people, worked hard and did everything we needed to.

me and elder lopez are going to get along great, and baptize many. um yeah something funny is that the new president is making the changes for the mission right now, some of them are kind of weird but yeah they are the rules, we follow them, we will have exito. but yeah.....most of the changes have to do with p-day, and the standards.. for example one p-day he wants us to stay in our houses, or do the stuff we need to do, like buy stuff, instead of doing stuff as a zone, and to limit travel he says we travel too much which is true, but the changes will work out,

oh and quickly, sorry if this letter isn't making any sense, i cant really think today, sorry y'all......but yeah um good things coming from the mission...i hope, i will explain more next week.... but yeah i want to thank u all for the support everyone has shown me and all thanks i love y'all and yeah peace out.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Same Area, New Comp

hello! what's up every one? how's life.

my first transfer of the mission and pretty much my half of my zone got changed, we got elderes from bolivar that got whitewashed, and 3 other companionships that got changed.

as for me my new comp, is a mexicano: elder lopez, i still haven't met him cause he arrives at 12:30 today but from what i hear he loves to work and obey the rules, so I'm probably in for a shock but I'm happy.

we will probably have more success but me and elder vizcardo left the area in a great way for elder lopez, we have a fecha her name is katy, she is 8 but is really cool, her parents situation is a little complicated but they support her and like the church so that will be cool.

we also have many other investigators that are progressing slowly. but it's cool. i'm happy for change it's good. and even better is that he is mexicano, and speaks no ingles that's 2 in a row that don't speak ingles. i hope i don't get an american until a year into the mission. but we will see.

um, this week with elder vizcardo he wanted to say good bye so we did that pretty much the whole week while we were teaching our investigators, that we had but we didn't really look for any others, but exito is coming to olavarria i can feel it, we will see.

but all in all, I'm excited for the change, kind of nervous cause i hope it goes all good and it will, cause I'm that cool and humble, lol but yeah....

this week my spanish is picking up, every one says and thinks i have a year in the mission, which is cool, i don't have a problem with it, it's cool and better that way.

but yeah um what else ..............................................................
............. ......................................................................................................... i don't know i'm doing that to make the letter a little longer so y'all will be happy, i don't really know how to make these longer but yeah.....

i'm going to end with this, i'm really happy for the changes that are coming, i loved my papi and he taught me good, and this new comp will teach me good also..................i hope....i guess we will see, i will let u now more next week

sorry these letters are always short, but thanks for the support and the love, and if it's someones b'day feliz b'day from me che too

alright peace out....

ps....i will be obeying more rules i think so yea facebook is probably a thing of the past...sorry but a good thing... love y'all bye

Monday, August 3, 2009

easy to find investigators, hard to find time to teach them

this week was normal, weather nothing out of the usual, and we just worked and did what we needed to.

the investigators still seem to find us right now, it's awesome, cause we knock doors all the time, and i like it better when they find us. but the lady that found us, her name is maria, she is a tia of one of the new converts in the church, and she is really interested, but now she got a job that makes it hard for us to find a time to teach her, cause she is always working, but she is great. but it seems that this is a normal probably we have no problem finding them, but once we find them something happens so we can't teach them, seriously for every investigator, but we still try.

i guess that's how it is... but this week my spanish was terrible, it was funny i said so many mistakes, that butchered everything, it was funny, but what can u do, but keep speaking and pray it gets better, that's how it is...

also i had intervistas con el presidente, that was funny, every one is in there for like 20 mins i'm in there for 3 mins, it's cause I'm perfect...hahah, but yeah it was nice to talk to him.

but yeah, we also found out that my comp elder vizcardo is probably going, it was funny he was begging that he could stay, actually he was like yelling at the president, everyone could hear him throw the doors. but he said he will go. so vizcardo is saying good bye to every one its funny, but even more funny if he stays. but whatever..

i got some good fotos but cant down load them hopefully latter. but yeah that's about all...

thank you for the support and for everything y'all did for me.
i love y'all, peace out.

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