how's life going there.... life here has been crazy for me, transfers came, and then we got some news about the house... .... yeah, i will start with transfers....
my new comp is a mini missionary called gustavo. he's a cool guy, and is getting ready to go out on his mission. so that's what happened, i don't know why i got a mini but whatever. i don't complain, so yeah, but aside from that transfers worked out great for me... in my house i have my kid again, elder bills, who is now comp mayor.... a stud like his papi.... but yeah, also i know a ton of the elders in the zone now so it makes p days more fun... but yeah, so that's how transfers worked out for me.... to be honest, when i got them i wasn't the happiest camper, but yeah it's all good... stuff happens for a reason... now i just gots to find the reason... but I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store....
now the thing with the house, again we are looking for a house. because the dueño said that he wasn't going to fix it, and so then the mission said that they weren't going to pay so yeah, we have till the end of the month to find a house. and we cant go over mil pesos which makes it almost impossible to find a house.... and nobody really seems to want to help us out that much..... so yeah, still don't know if it's cause we are missionaries or if it's cause we are yankees so i guess we will see with time...... but yeah, they are putting a lot of pressure on us to find it, and we can't work until we find it.... so yeah, that's pretty much the 2 main things that are happening here.
also big news, for the first time in the mission i got sick, it was for like 2 days, Thursday and Friday. it was funny cause me and my comp got sick at the same time, so it was fun, but super boring.... but yeah, it's been all good with i wont get sick till i get home... so that's a trunky moment..jaja
but yeah, for my birthday didn't tell anyone, so they found out after and kind of got mad at me, but i don't really want to do anything... now I'm 20, big whoop..... i kind of stopped caring about stuff like that for these 2 years so yeah.... it's cool though, I passed it the way i wanted to: tranquilo, and so good b-day....
but yeah, that's pretty much this week up till now and what I'm doing, kind of hard for me. but to be honest, pres must like to keep me off my feet, with all the changes. but i don't mind cause i learn quick and it's kind of funny to see what else he wants to throw at me... but yeah, that's my life right now... excited for the changes, and more excited to see the miracles... so yeah, i love u all... thanks for the prayers and the emails.... i like getting them. so yeah
peace out