hey every one how's it going. hope life is good. here, this week has been way hard but kind of fun. me and my comp find a way to pass the time and have fun, while we work. this week the cops didn't bug us, they are still everywhere in the city and they still pass by and wait outside our house a little, it's funny cause if we notice they are there we close all the windows and make it look way suspicious... at least until they come with a warrant... if they have those here. but yeah, it's been funny with that.
as far as all the other stuff is concerned. this week we found a family, and we found a dude who is way good. the dude's name is pablo,and he was a reference we contacted without contacting it. our presidente gave us the reference and then we were walking in the street and found him and put a cita. it was way cool so that's something cool. and the other family, is a family of 3 but we found them, then they have been hard to find again. so we will see what's up with that. aside from that we have pretty much lost everyone else. the family that was going to be baptized this weekend sent us a message that said she wanted to think alone, and told us to not call her back. like any good person we are not giving up on her but yeah, she don't answer the phone and we haven't passed by the house o sea yeah we will see what's up with that. but yeah that's been pretty much the story of the week with us. most everyone told us we will call u when we can, which pretty much means they wont call. but yeah, we will see what's up. but now that i think about it, the week was pretty good mainly cause we found pablo, he's like 47 or something like that, which is what the branch needs, men who will want to work. but yeah
this sunday was the primary program. it was way good considering that there were only like 5 kids. after, i went to them and asked them for their autographs, they were way happy about that. but they did way good...... but now i need to tell u all something that happened that had me and my comp laughing the whole time with the music. but not with the kids.... in the church we had someone who plays the piano. and i was happy cause its been a while, we all sing out of tone, and so i thought the piano would be good. the dude plays the introduction, does it perfectly. it was way nice. then he starts playing jesus es mi luz. the dude starts nice and softly then all of a sudden goes crazy and starts pounding the piano playing so loud that nobody can sing, and he would throw in little cool piano notes that aren't in the song to show of a bit..... me and my comp were laughing way hard. then the sacrament song. this is where it gets worse, we stand up to break the bread and they guy is playing asombro me da. and he starts going nuts with it. i started laughing and then my comp started laughing. and we couldn't stop. we had the district president there, who dropped the cane on us after. then he told us he was laughing also. so it wasn't so bad. but yeah, it was a way funny sunday.
but yeah that's all i pretty much remember as of right now. so yeah, um, thanks for everything, for the love, the support, and the prayers. i love y'all. it's hard here but it's fun, and I'm learning a lot. and it's a pueblo of like 12 000 people in total.... with campo..... but I'm sure there is like, at least, 100 people here for us to baptize, and teach... we just needed to find them in the middle of the 11 900 people... but yeah, 100, a lot of people.... so yeah.... but yeah
ok i love y'all, will see y'all latter, peace out