so what the mission was doing last week was a "semana perfecta" or perfect week, where everyone in the mission has had to be exactly perfect with all the rules, and every one has to get at least 215 contacts because that is what the area presidency says... so we did that so we can see the miracles, and mainly to force God to bless us... D&C 82: 10...... and so with all that done, me and my comp had to make sure that we did it and that the other areas did it too... but it was hard cause few of the companionships actually did it. but the ones that did do it saw some miracles..
as far as me and my comp, the baptism and what happened on Sunday was our miracle... this area it's segun dicen one of the hardest areas in the mission.... to be honest, I don't see it, i love it here... but it has also had some bad missionary experiences so not many of the members gave a ton of support to the elders.. but the last companionship's worked on that a lot and we are too and we are seeing the blessings of that work... all the members like us and do the best to help us... so it animates us a ton to work and keep strong.
but that has been the great week we have had, we saw a lot of miracles, a lot of them not really worth telling cause they weren't anything big, or that crazy.. but what i have learned is the smaller ones are more important, and make a bigger difference... that's why i think they are sometimes hard to see. but to be honest, the fact that i can stay on the mission this long, and learn the stuff i have learned, had the exito i have had, and the strength i have received are all miracles... of an all powerful.. yet all loving God...
that was something i learned a lot this week. with that lady i told y'all about. Amalia, where her nieto died... she is angry at God because every one says He is all powerful, and in being all powerful, why does He not step in and make people do stuff, heal people, and stop natural disasters... it's cause He is all loving... loves us enough to let us make mistakes, pass throw hard times, let people make choices, and more than anything give us a purpose, and a way to be happy.. and all powerful enough to give us that way, and option many times we just need to take it..... but yeah, that's what i have learned. sorry for the rant... but i want to thank u all for the love and the support you all have been giving me... for the prayers. and everything... i love u all...... sorry i can't spell...
but yeah. aguante argentina world cup......
peace out